Monday, May 2, 2011

Good Bye

    Good bye Sorrow, good bye pain, good bye desperation, for all the things that you hurt me with, with your stinky behaviors, with your selfeshness and rudeness, with your sick mind and unthoughtful acts.
Good bye my dear, or should I say: my previous dear, you were with me since the day that I met you, since the day that I let myself to know such a cruel thing, you had made my life miserable, you made me feel the frustration as its highest levels, at its worse conditions, even sleeping, my only thing that I used to do to forget my pain, YOU took it from me.

But not anymore, begone my old companion, begone Mr. Sorrow, and welcome my new friend, Mr. Happiness. Good bye Sorrow, Good Bye.

1 comment:

  1. y did u evn make this poem the person who is special in my life sent this to me n i cried so much thx for ruining my life >.<
