Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Cloudy the weather, like smoking the heather..
Anonymous it looks to be, hillarious they way to see..
Undefined shape, with mystery filled, feeling nothing, like like a honey in a bilb..
Mixed in white, black and even blue, like the mixer in the kitchen , the rules has to be flew..

Blowing winds like on a peak of a mountain, crowdness of a people, some of them were beaten..

Monday, May 2, 2011

Good Bye

    Good bye Sorrow, good bye pain, good bye desperation, for all the things that you hurt me with, with your stinky behaviors, with your selfeshness and rudeness, with your sick mind and unthoughtful acts.
Good bye my dear, or should I say: my previous dear, you were with me since the day that I met you, since the day that I let myself to know such a cruel thing, you had made my life miserable, you made me feel the frustration as its highest levels, at its worse conditions, even sleeping, my only thing that I used to do to forget my pain, YOU took it from me.

But not anymore, begone my old companion, begone Mr. Sorrow, and welcome my new friend, Mr. Happiness. Good bye Sorrow, Good Bye.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Castlevania, a great novel by Kogi Egarachi which describes the spectacular story of the castlevania, a castle of a dracula that took control of it from the Belmont rich family and became the powerful vichious monster and the worst leader of all times. He enslaved his people, and the ones who refused, he threw them to be fed on by the castle monsters. Many people invaded the castle and defeated him, but when the brave heroes do that, he rebirthe every time they killed him, even someone had the idea of exploding the whole castle, with an old dynamite, but the castle has built itself again after he shows up in the last upper floor of the castle.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Marshmallow challenge Experience

     Me, Meshari and Sara from Columbia"Visitor" were in a group to build a structure of spagittie columns and a tape as a strengthin gadget to carry out the marshmallow with the tallest hight that will maintain the marshmallow holding it stable and balanced.
     We were in the mood of an exciting challenge, full of excitement and motivation to push us forward to to our job as fast as possible. Me, the Architect, was carrying all the burden on my shoulders cause I was the only one responsible for the structure, it was my field after all.

     I was surprised by folowing the methods af the architecture didn't goes well, maybe because I lacked the time, or my structural background starts to fade away, that gave me more and more lust for learning about the structure methods more and became aware of that, thats why i am going to change the master study major to a construction management so i can combine the wonderful three majors, which is architecture, construction and managment to rise upon the business world, so it would be beneficial for me and for my career.

     Eventually, we werent the winners but the Idea was something really interesting, by building a strong foundation like when we are building a house or a structure, the most important is to built a strong base , a rigid foundation to carry out the spagittie columns, and after that I was in a tragedy of how to strengthin the columns cuase it appears to be so weak to carry the marshmallow, but it was a great idea and i neede more material to accomplish that.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Sky as Clear as a CrystaL

The sky is so clear, clear enough to inspire me to go forward chasing my dreams, enhancing the powers that lies within my body, reveals the thoughts that I always thinking about, I see many people, some of them are smiling, laughing, filled with joy and happiness, some others are smoking, enjoying their moments, lying under the shade of the trees, on the smooth wooden benches, looking for a better future, and a better life ahead. I would like to knowm what will happen to the mother earth if the sun disappears and never show her face again ... what will happen? I am curious and afraid the same time .. wondering ...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Iam a unique sturdy well-shaped Claymore, a decendant from a high level of a volcano family. created by the flames of this life, crafted with the softest , most skillful beautiful hand , the hand of Haya, the hands of my mother. Reshaped too many times to be the best, to be perfect, to be the one whose everyonedepending on, fear from, respect the most and looking for. Crafted and reshaped by the hands of wisdom, my father precious hand,,,,


"Reliefe is as valued as a diamond"

"Refurbished by the water of heaven"

"Guarded by a mischevious angry monster"

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am looking at ...

     I am looking at the people that I love all the time, starring at them, love to watch them do everything, watch them when they are eating, watch them when they are thinking, watch them when they are working, cookoing, cleaning and even sleeping. I am looking at the people who is better than me, I wish them good luck, and try as hard as I can to follow their lead, to become a successor, an achiever in this hard life, like them and more. I am looking to the swords to show me what the power could mean, how could it be forged and how we can use it in the ways of good.